Thursday, December 6, 2012

Industrial Revolution- Child Labor

Today we will be taking a look at child labor in England during the Industrial Revolution.  Here is the website that you go to:

You will read about "Life in the Factory".  There are 10 links to click on such as working hours, punishments, etc.  Using Microsoft Word, your assignment is to write down 4 interesting things that you learned from each category.  Make sure that the facts are relevant and not such the first thing you see.

You will have a total of 40 facts when you are done with your assignment.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Test tomorrow

Test has been pushed back to tomorrow for Chapter 5.  Students have plenty to study from that will help them significantly on the test.  Have a great day!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Questions for Monday

Students should read 5.2 and do checkpoint questions, ID's, and p.193 questions 3 & 6.  Test will be on Tuesday!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Assignment for Tomorrow

The past couple of days we have gone over colonization in North America along with the Middle Passage.  Students do have an assignment, 3.2-3.4 worksheet.

Have a great day!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Aztec PowerPoint

Aztec PowerPoint
Go to the following website:

You will be making a PowerPoint over the daily life of the Aztecs. The website has plenty of information that will help you get a better feel for the Aztec way of life. Your PowerPoint needs to be at least 10 slides with at least 8 pictures

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

CSA #1 Test on Friday

This Friday will be our first CSA Test.  This is a district standardized test saying where students are in terms of their knowledge of the first unit.  Students have review sheets to help them better understand the information.  They will be receiving those today and we will review as a class on Thursday.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Assignment for Today

Today we finished talking about the Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther's influence on the Renaissance Era.  Students need to read pgs. 61-68 and finish the 1.3 questions & ID's.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today in Class

Today we reviewed information on the Renaissance Era while answering questions with our ABCD cards.  Students had a number of questions that they answered to gauge their overall comprehension of the material so far.

Students also looked into the aspects of the Northern Renaissance while answering questions in groups.

Have a great day!

Covers on Textbooks

Please make sure that your child's textbook has a book cover on it.  We have brand new books this year and would hate to see them be damaged early on.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Assignment for Tomorrow

Today we finished up 1.1 on the Renaissance and all students were assigned questions & ID's for their homework.  That homework is due tomorrow.  Have a great day!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Middle Ages Assignment

As you recall, on Friday we introduced the beginnings of the Renaissance Era.  In order to fully understand why the Renaissance took place, it was important that we discussed the time period that led up to this, which was the Dark Ages (or Middle Ages).

Today we are going to look at many different facets of the Middle Ages. There will be several topics that deal with how life was during this time period.

Today's Assignment:
For the first part of this go to this website. You will be looking at different aspects of life during the Middle Ages. Using the different icons on the right side of the website, (such as religion, homes, clothing, etc.) I would like you to write down 3 facts that stood out to you for each topic (7 total). You can use Microsoft Word to complete this assignment.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

PowerPoint About You

Your assignment is to create a PowerPoint detailing things about yourself and your life. The PowerPoint needs to be at least 10 slides and can really be about anything you want.

Here are some things to include:

*Family Life (parents, brothers, sisters, pets, etc) Anything you want to say about your family.
*Friends, people you like hanging out with
*Favorites (music, TV shows, classes, teachers, sports teams, etc.)
*Places you have lived, places you have traveled
*Goals (for the school year, for the future, where do you see yourself?)
*One or more unique things about yourself.
*Anything I need to know about you to help out
*Anything else you want to talk about

Help me out and let me get to know you!!  I appreciate the effort!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life of Hitler

Today you will look at the life of Adolf Hitler before he took absolute power of the Nazi regime. There are two websites I have offered for you but you can look at any website you want:

Using PowerPoint I would like you to give me facts about Hitler's life and what led up to him being the person he was. Try to divide your PowerPoint into these topics:

*Youth Life
*Service in World War I
*Rise of the Nazi Party
*Hitler's Time in Jail
*Hitler's Rise to Power


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Annastasia Video.

Step 1: go to YouTube

Step 2: type in 'unsolved mysteries annastasia'

There are two parts, part 1 and part 2, total of 20 minutes

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Trench Warfare Notes

Here is the website that you go to for information on Trench Warfare during World War I:

Write down 2-3 interesting facts that you learned about while reading this information for each subject.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Research Project on Sweatshops

Today we are going to be researching Sweatshops throughout the world. Companies such as Wal Mart and Nike have come under fire for their treatment of workers over the last 20 years. There are strong arguments for and against having sweatshops across the world. Here is some reading information for you:

Claims against Nike:

Your assignment is to research all their is to know about sweatshops across the world. Using PowerPoint, you will want to answer the following questions (these are to help you get started):

1.) What are sweatshops?
2.) What countries have been criticized for using sweatshops?
3.) What companies/corporations are at fault?
4.) What are the conditions within the sweatshops that have people upset (wages, hours, etc.) ?
5.) Are companies held accountable?
6.) Where have their been violations (if any) in the United States?
7.) What organizations are working to help these workers?
8.) What are the arguments for sweatshops? What are the arguments against them?
9.) What is YOUR opinion?

PowerPoints need to have the following:
* Title Page
*12 slides with facts, research, pictures and information
*Bibliography of websites that you used