Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Medicine for the Soul

On the Road

"He's never turned him down"

"He always makes time for Brian"

"I love seeing the smile on his face and see him happy doing it"

"He's filling in"

Help others, serve others, care for others.  Have a great day today! 

Assignment for Wednesday

ID's = encomienda, Las Casas
Checkpoint Question #1
Question #4

ID's = triangular trade, middle passage

IDs's = Columbian Exchange, inflation, capitalism
Checkpoint Questions 1 & 3
Questions 3,4,6

Monday, September 25, 2017

Middle Passage Assignment

Today we will be looking at The Middle Passage, which is the voyage for slave trade from Africa to the Americas.  One of the ugly parts of European exploration would be the fact that they were seeking a cheap labor source.  

This website will explain the horrific voyage over and give you a detailed account of what life was like for the Africans aboard these slave ships.

Go to this website:

Here are the topics you will look at:

*Life on the Slave Ships

*Death on the Slave Ships

*The Daily Routine on the Slave Ships

*Fighting Back: Revolt on the Slave Ships

*Passage A Great Sin of Humanity

Your assignment is to write down (either using a sheet of paper or using Microsoft Word) 4 facts on each topic area.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Aztec/Incan Empire

Aztec PowerPoint

Go to the following website: Aztec/Inca Empire

You will be making a PowerPoint over the Aztec Empire & the conquering of the Aztecs. The website has plenty of information that will help you get a better feel for the Aztec way of life. Your PowerPoint needs to be at least 10 slides with at least 8 pictures.

Aztec Diet
Aztec Clothing
Aztec Punishments
Aztec Games/Sports
Aztec Sacrifices
Aztec Society
Aztec Marriage
Aztec Calendar
City of Tenochtitlan
Cortes “Burn the Boats” philosophy
Cortes & Montezuma

Thursday, September 7, 2017


When connecting Renaissance & Reformation, understand the climate and conditions that were taking place in the Renaissance.  All of the learning, the emphasis on education, the importance of achievement of mankind....these all lead to people becoming interested in learning about secular ideas.

Luther's chief objections....have at least 4 grievances that he had.  Be specific

Words to describe Luther....make sure you EXPLAIN your words with evidence and conviction!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Life in the Middle Ages

As you recall, yesterday we introduced the beginnings of the Renaissance Era. In order to fully understand why the Renaissance took place, it was important that we discussed the time period that led up to this, which was known as the Middle Ages (or Dark Ages).

Today we are going to look at many different facets of the Middle Ages. There will be several topics that deal with how life was during this time period.

Today's Assignment: For the first part of this go to this website. You will be looking at different aspects of life during the Middle Ages. Using the different icons on the right side of the website, (such as religion, homes, clothing, etc.) I would like you to write down 3 facts that stood out to you for each topic (7 total). You can use Microsoft Word or you can use pen/pencil to complete this assignment.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

PowerPoint About Yourself

PowerPoint About Yourself

Your assignment is to create a PowerPoint detailing things about yourself and your life. The PowerPoint needs to be at least 10 slides and can really be about anything you want. 

Here are some things to include: 

*Family Life (parents, brothers, sisters, pets, etc) Anything you want to say about your family. 
*Friends, people you like hanging out with 
*Favorites (music, TV shows, classes, teachers, sports teams, etc.)
*Places you have lived, places you have traveled 
*Goals (for the school year, for the future, where do you see yourself?) 
*One or more unique things about yourself. 
*Anything I need to know about you to help out 
*Anything else you want to talk about 

Help me out and let me get to know you!! I appreciate the effort!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Tiananmen Square Massacre Timeline = Timeline

Tiananmen Square 25th anniversary = 25th Year Anniversary

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

China 1989

Tank Man

Watch chapters 1-3 & 6

Think about these topics:

1.        the climate of the student-led protests in Tiananmen Square in the five weeks leading up to June 4, 1989.  How was the behavior of the people?  How did the government initially respond?

2.       How did the Chinese army go about clearing Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989? 

3.       What is the symbolism behind the ‘Tank Man’?  What does he represent?

Friday, April 28, 2017

Assignment for Friday


* Checkpoint Questions 1, 2, & 4
* Questions 3 & 4
* ID = Lend-Lease Act


* Checkpoint Question 3
* Questions 4 & 5
* ID's = Stalingrad, D-Day


* Checkpoint Questions (ALL)
* Question #3
* ID's = Bataan Death March, kamikaze, Manhattan Project

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Today's Assignment


* Checkpoint Questions
*Questions 3-5


*Checkpoint Questions
*Questions 3 & 5

Friday, February 17, 2017

Today's Assignment



*Map Skills p.455
*Checkpoint Questions (ALL)
*Questions 3-6


*Map Skills p.461
*Checkpoint Questions (1-3)
*Questions 4-6
* Thinking Critically Questions p. 466 (Questions 1 & 2)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Concepts/Ideas to Review for Imperialism Test


* Imperialism
* Indirect Rule
* Direct Rule
*Sphere of Influence
*Social Darwinism


*Understand the connection between the Industrial Revolution & imperialism
*Know the motives behind the European race for colonies in Africa
*Note the technological advantages Europeans had over the Africans
*Know what made Africa vulnerable to European conquest
*Understand the Berlin Conference and the outcome of it
*Undertand why the Sepoy Mutiny took place

Essay Questions:

1.) India was known as "the Jewel in the Crown" of the British Empire.  What did India have that made it the most valuable of all the colonies in the British Empire?

2.) Imagine you are living in London and are a proud member of the British Empire.  Justify the conquering of people in Africa and India by speaking of all the positive aspects that imperialism brings to these foreign lands.

3.) Imagine you are living in India or Africa during the 1800's.  You despise imperialism and what these Western countries are doing to you.  Write an essay outlining the negative that imperialism had had on your country.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Geography of Poverty Today

Geography of Poverty

As we have learned in the last couple of weeks, the Industrial Revolution's effects are still seen worldwide today.  Using this website, explore the effects that the Industrial Revolution has had on many of our countries today.

Each ere are some guidelines:

1.) Presentations should be 6 minutes minimum, no longer than 10 minutes
2.) Each person in the group must talk
3.) Groups must work together to coordinate some sort of presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.)
4.) Include pictures, stories, statistics, etc. to accurately portray your geographical area you are studying.  TELL STORIES OF PEOPLE!!!

Things to consider:

1.) what are the struggles for these people?
2.) how does unemployment play a role in these struggles?
3.) how does industry or the lack thereof play a role in these struggles?

Friday, January 13, 2017

Industrial Revolution Essay Questions

1.) In the 19th century, what were some of the main differences between the beliefs of laissez-faire capitalists and communists?

2.) What were some economic, social, and political effects that the Industrial Revolution had on Great Britain? Describe at least one economic, social, and political effect.

3.) What are some likely reasons that many middle-class British believed in the theories of laissez-faire captialism and the free-market system in the 1800's?

4.) Why might the philosophy of communism have appealed to many 19th-century factory workers?

5.) Do you think the concept of complete reliance on a free-market system, using 19th century Britain as a model, worked well? Explain.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Working Conditions Assignment 

Go to "Life in the Factory"

There are 10 topics. For each topic, we will write down 3 facts from the reading.  There are a lot of great facts to look at in this reading.  We will discuss as a class tomorrow.

You can either type it or write it, whatever you please!