Monday, February 27, 2017

Today's Assignment


* Checkpoint Questions
*Questions 3-5


*Checkpoint Questions
*Questions 3 & 5

Friday, February 17, 2017

Today's Assignment



*Map Skills p.455
*Checkpoint Questions (ALL)
*Questions 3-6


*Map Skills p.461
*Checkpoint Questions (1-3)
*Questions 4-6
* Thinking Critically Questions p. 466 (Questions 1 & 2)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Concepts/Ideas to Review for Imperialism Test


* Imperialism
* Indirect Rule
* Direct Rule
*Sphere of Influence
*Social Darwinism


*Understand the connection between the Industrial Revolution & imperialism
*Know the motives behind the European race for colonies in Africa
*Note the technological advantages Europeans had over the Africans
*Know what made Africa vulnerable to European conquest
*Understand the Berlin Conference and the outcome of it
*Undertand why the Sepoy Mutiny took place

Essay Questions:

1.) India was known as "the Jewel in the Crown" of the British Empire.  What did India have that made it the most valuable of all the colonies in the British Empire?

2.) Imagine you are living in London and are a proud member of the British Empire.  Justify the conquering of people in Africa and India by speaking of all the positive aspects that imperialism brings to these foreign lands.

3.) Imagine you are living in India or Africa during the 1800's.  You despise imperialism and what these Western countries are doing to you.  Write an essay outlining the negative that imperialism had had on your country.