Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random Thoughts for Group Project

Some students have asked if they can build a model of their topic. For example there are groups that want to build models of Auschwitz and of the D-Day invasion. I think that would be a terrific addition to the project and I have had groups in the past do a tremendous job with models of the courtroom in the Nuremberg Trials (made in a shoebox), the invasion of Pearl Harbor, D-Day, and Auschwitz to name a few.

Here are some random thoughts/ideas:

*Organize your paper before you write it. For instance, have an outline of the topics you want to write about. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THE POWERPOINT AND PAPER DO NOT HAVE TO GO TOGETHER. Your paper can just hit on the main points of your presentation while you can expand on those points in your presentation.

*If you don't know your topic, you won't do well on the presentation. Right now is the time to dig into your topic and learn as much about the information as possible.

*The more animations (sounds, transitions, etc) on your PowerPoint, the better. If you don't know how to use them, then experiment a little with your PowerPoint in the 'animations' section.

*Make sure your PowerPoint is organized!

*At some point each group member will be asked to write a group summary which discusses everyone's role in the group. Each person will briefly write what he or she did along with his or her group members. I am stressing accountability so I would like to think people are taking some pride in doing a good job.


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